1st: Download Facebook SDK using git. http://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk
(highly recommended to play a little with Example.java and other methods)
2nd: create a new project from Example.java
3rd: create a Bundle with all the parameters to post and publish it using SampleDialogListener
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
String mylink="http://kinesina.blogspot.com";
String myimagelink="http://kinesina.blogspot.com";
String attachments = "{
\"name\":\"Location Here\",
\"href\":\""+mylink + "\",
\"caption\":\"Click to view in Google Maps\",
\"src\": \"http://myimgurl\",
\"href\": \""+myimagelink+"\"}]}";
parameters.putString("attachment", attachments);
mFacebook.dialog(Example.this, "stream.publish", parameters, new SampleDialogListener()) ;
4th: Using LocationManager and Google Maps API (which I will explain soon), you can post your location and a link to google maps in your facebook wall!
If you liked this app (WhereAmI) you can download it from Android Market for free, or mark/like it on facebook (available soon).
Hope you like it, 'cause it is gonna be my first app published in Android Market!