Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Resum de vacances a La Isla Bonita

Recent tornats del festival de senderisme de la palma i després de fer un parell d'excursions més, la nostra estada a La Palma queda plasmada totalment en el següent vídeo:

Com al vídeo, nosaltres també vam sortir del Refugio del Pilar i vam seguir per La Ruta de Los Volcanes fent parada, obviament, al "Bar Parada", excursió que penjaré amb fotos i més info més endavant, però que va resultar ser espectacular. Quina gran illa La Palma i quines ganes de tornar al festival l'any que ve!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Easy solution to Satchmo Discounts malfunction.

When applying a discount only to a number of products in the store, the message advertising the discount is shown in all the products (not only the ones which the discount is applicable to).

Solution: (as seen here)

1. Go to the product view: product/views/__init__.py
2. After context = RequestContext(request,extra_context) add this line:

So your function to get the template context from the Product is like:

# Get the template context from the Product.
extra_context = product.add_template_context(context=extra_context,
request=request, selected_options=selected_options,

template = find_product_template(product, producttypes=subtype_names)
context = RequestContext(request, extra_context)

context['sale']=best_discount #line added

3. Done.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Animals have a shut down/freeze button

After minimal research, I arrived to the concussion conclusion that most of the animals have a shut down (or freeze) button. And here, some examples:

A cat..

A dog..

And finally, a sloth! Okay, I know there is a much more serious video proof of this, but this video made me laugh ;)